. Such is the nature of the gospel. Hotel, Coffee Shop). The word eschatology means last things and refers to what Christians believe about the end times. 7:816). Even more ancient than the echoes of the Davidic promise are the echoes of the exodus from Egypt: the Triumphal Entry takes place at the beginning of Passover week, which recalls the Jewish peoples liberation from Egyptian slavery. What is the point of this illustration? In an age of excessive content and platformed faith leaders, pastors should encourage their congregations to build a sturdier faith from reliable materials closer to home: Gods Word, the Spirit, the church, and Christian community you can know and grow alongside. We exist to serve you. Mark 1 taps into this whole-Bible theme. 11:2830), as the letter to the Hebrews draws out (Heb. How might our understanding of God be impoverished if we did not have Marks Gospel? In the final section of Mark 9 Jesus teaches about sin and temptation. . They knew the Scripture well. Mark 8:11; 12:15) with a question, this time concerning the legality of divorce. Both considered themselves first. But Jesus says, the first will be last, and the last first (Mark 10:31). CALLING THE ORDINARY. For the people of God, however, Jesus statement that all sins will be forgiven the children of man anticipates the eternally valid substitutionary atonement Jesus will be seen to provide in the final chapters of Marks Gospel (note also Mark 10:45). Jesus, however, was the final Son of God, the true Firstborn, the Son who succeeded where all others had failed (Mark 1:11). 10:2123) and lament (Amos 8:9 10). What does this suggest to us about what was motivating James and John in their request? Many of us dont work out our salvation (Phil 2:12) but instead rest on the laurels of pastors, authors, institutions/tribes, or even publications like TGC to work it out on our behalf. (NIV). All rights reserved. When spelled with an initial capital letter, Law refers to the first five books of the Bible. In Mark 10 we see Jesus upending our intuitive assumptions about discipleship in four areas in particular: marriage, entrance into the kingdom, the Messiahs role, and personal significance. Mark 1:213:12 shows us that Jesus possesses unrivalled authority in both his teaching and his deeds. My growing passion is the intersection of spiritual formation and post-Christian culture. Eden was, in other words, the first temple. Marriage between one man and one woman, in permanent mutual faithfulness, was built into the fabric of the world from the start. Its not our work that is saving us. One of the first things I would run into was Mormon Missionaries at my door. 21:24). . Read Mark 10:152 and consider the following questions. We do. What might be the reason for this? 3:20). How does Jesus respond to the political questioning? Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. Take time to reflect on the implications of Mark 6:78:26 for your own life today. How does he respond to the theological questioning? Such a tree was proverbial in ancient literature, referring to the national superpower of the day, in whose shade the nations (birds) nested. No. Yet, when these incentives are more important than the presence and glory of Christ, were really no different than the celebrity using Jesuss name for personal profit. The angels of heaven do not marry; neither will believers. Jesus response to the Syrophoenician woman is perplexing at firsthow could Jesus withhold mercy from her, even calling her a dog (Mark 7:2430)? For Jesus was forsaken so that you and I never have to be. But lets also embrace Gods good gift of rest, and thereby preach a powerful sermon to ourselves and to the world that even when strivings cease, we stand secure in the love of Christ. Read Genesis 48:15, Numbers 27:17, Psalm 23:14, and Isaiah 40:11, and notice what God promises in Jeremiah 23:24 and Ezekiel 34:1016. He is first mentioned by name in the book of Acts in connection with his mother. When Jesus overturned the tables in the temple in Mark 11, he was reminding the people that the temple is not for financial transaction between people and other people, but for spiritual transaction between people and God. Note also Revelation 21:917. Honestly, it wasnt until I re-read that verse a year ago that I began to see the Sabbath as a gift. How does this parable develop what has already been happening in Mark 11:1225? "John Mark - Author of the Gospel of Mark." What can we learn from this for our own walk with God? 7:816). . In this final plague, the Lord passed over the houses of those who spread the blood of a lamb on the doorposts of their homes (Exodus 12). John 12:46). John Mark Comer is pastor for teaching and vision at Bridgetown Church in Portland, Oregon. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! All sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin (Mark 3:2829). A story that uses everyday imagery and activities to communicate a spiritual truth. On the one hand, the call to bring the gospel to the nations explodes in a new way in the New Testament. Why might Mark have wanted to make this clear? On the other hand, in Mark 9 the disciples are concerned that strangers are casting out demons in Jesus name (Mark 9:38). We see here the unity of the Bible as Jesus carries on the work of Gods people, begun in the Old Testament. I also really liked his section on fasting, something I feel is really neglected in the church today. It is solely at his invitation that they are summoned. How does the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness by Satan reinforce the connection between Jesus and other Old Testament servants of God? 26:12; Jer. Adam failed, however, to walk in obedience to God. This divine choosing is solely on terms of grace. Originally, another name given to Jacob (Gen. 32:28). Here, as throughout the Bible, God in his grace chooses the weak things of the world to shame the strong (1 Cor. The human condition is not one of cleanness in danger of defilement. I realllllly teetered between 4 and 5 stars. Peterbut Jesus addresses Peter as Satan. Thank you, John Mark. (For further background, see the ESV Study Bible, pages 1926 1930, available online at. Through his life and teaching, but especially through his death and resurrection, Jesus fulfills all the Old Testament hopes and promises, bringing in the long expected new age. . Imprisoned for this, John was executed at the request of Herodiass daughter, who had danced before the royal court and pleased Herod so much that he offered her up to half his kingdomupon which she requested the head of John the Baptist. He has risen, said the angel, he is not here (Mark 16:6). Read through the complete passage for this study, Mark 14:115:15. In 2018 a researcher tied Tim Keller ,a PCA minister and the founder of The Gospel Coalition, to the new Revoice LGBTQ Thriving Conference via his disciple Scott Sauls who mentored the Revoice founder Nate Collins work in Nashville and endorsed the July event. This statement reaches all the way back to creation, when God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. (Note that Save us, we pray in Ps. 11:3538). One reason for this is that it is those who know their need who will respond to the gospel; those who believe they are already insiders often fail to feel their need for the gospel. You can use our video sessions or take our notes and make it your own. Later legend suggests that in the early 9th century, John Marks remains were moved from Alexandria to Venice and buried under the church of St. Mark. That is, what do we learn about what Jesus suffered in these days? 8:14 17; Heb. Read Mark 10:152 and consider the following questions. . When you try to purchase a house, you rarely do it on your own. Martin Luther called this the great exchange. To put it in terms of the healing of the leper: The only truly clean man who ever lived became unclean on the cross so that you and I, unclean, can be freely cleansed by simply asking for it. . While the language chosen here is metaphorical, the horror of what is being depicted is not. Remove this cup from me, he asked (Mark 14:36). The purpose of Sabbath is to enjoy your God, life in general, what you have accomplished in the world through his help, and the freedom you have in the gospelthe freedom from slavery to any material object or human expectation. Take time to reflect on the implications of Mark 10:152 for your own life today. But when cultural conveniences and an affirming tribe start to outweigh the hard work of constructing faith on our own accord, any tribe will be fair game as the cultural tides shift (even those outside of the orthodox faith). DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY. 8:6; Rom. Literally to immerse or to wash. Refers to the Christian practice of immersing a new believer in water as an outward sign of the inward reality of regeneration. John Mark, the writer of the Gospel of Mark, also served as a companion to the Apostle Paul in his missionary work and later assisted the Apostle Peter in Rome. And so we work insanely hard to achieve this peace and to prove to the world we arent a chump. Mark is writing, above all else, about the gospel, as the first words out of Jesus mouth reiterate: The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel (Mark 1:15). Therefore, the churches of our federation unite with other like-minded churches. Jesus clarifies here our understanding of the fallen human condition. He is the author "Hope for Hurting Singles: A Christian Guide to Overcoming Life's Challenges. 11:3538). Jesus is this coming king. 2:12; 3:20; Hos. 22:12). . His real god was his wealth, as proven in his inability to follow Jesus if it meant parting with his possessions. In these opening chapters his ministry is one of both word and deed. Jesus has announced his imminent suffering and death. . 1:3). 4:111). Jesus did not come for the religious elite, the socially privileged. For us, that looks like staying off of our phones, eating our favorite foods, spending unhurried time in Gods Word, and being with family and close friends. . BRINGING NOTHING BUT OUR NEED. Regardless of the reason, Mark's behavior soured him with Paul and caused a debate between Paul and Barnabas (Acts 15:39). How could this be? Chris Wienand Jun 9, 2013. . Many think this shows Mark 16:920 to be a later addition. 21:24). Not all at once, but little by little they added these elements of worship to their existing meetings, It was a huge step for themthe staff are planning to have monthly emerging worship gathering for youth (and adults of any age who want to come)Eventually the church wants to turn the monthly worship gathering into a weekly one.1. While there are distinctions of persons within the one Godhead, Jesus Christ is as much God as God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. What do these opening few verses teach us about why Mark is writing and the roles both John the Baptist and Jesus play in this? What does this tell us about Jesus goals in his earthly ministry? The councils and synagogues are Jewish locales. . How does the death of John the Baptist in Mark 6:1429 cast an ominous shadow on Jesus future? Though written in Rome, Marks Gospel was aimed at the wider church, especially those who had not been raised as Jews, as is evident from the way Mark at times explains Jewish customs. The Pharisees were frequently criticized by Jesus for their hypocritical practices. This is what the whole Gospel has been moving toward from the beginning. 5:7). But this ruler laid down his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). What is the response of the rest of the disciples when they learn of the request of James and John? 16:16 17). Responding to the scribes questioning of this practice, Jesus told them, Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. To love him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the strength, and to love ones neighbor as oneself, is much more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices (Mark 12:33). If in all our ambition we forget to rest, well miss an unparalleled opportunity to preach the gospel to ourselves and to those around us. While the Pharisees reach back to Deuteronomy 24 to ask about the Mosaic laws allowance for a certificate of divorce, Jesus reaches back even further, to Genesis. This does not mean we do not choose God. 7:13). . Has your understanding of the unity of the Bible been clarified through studying Mark? Caution: uncheck this box if you are on a public computer (e.g. The eternal and the temporal met. In Mark 13:2427 Jesus broadens his vision to focus on cosmic events in the more distant future than the tribulation he has been describing in Mark 13:1423. Though he dutifully kept most of the commandments, he had neglected the first commandmentthe prohibition of idolatry. When Jesus showed up, however, she had already died, and Jesus did far more than Jairus ever asked. Peter and the disciples seemed to be in much better shape than the rich young man, for they had sacrificed everything the rich young man had refused to sacrifice; yet Mark compares the rich young man with Peter to show that both, in their own way, failed to grasp the grace of the kingdom. With Jesus this kingdom dawns decisively, and he will one day bring this kingdom to completion, sitting on his throne for all the world to see (Rev. Get help and learn more about the design. A means of execution in which the person was fastened, by ropes or nails, to a crossbeam that was then raised and attached to a vertical beam, forming a cross (the root meaning of crucifixion). The Practices are designed to be done over four weeks in a small group or larger community. This king was called Gods son in the Old Testament (e.g., 2 Sam. To enter the land was to enter rest. John Mark's Gospel, the earliest account of Jesus' life, may have been told to him by Peter when the two spent so much time together. I really liked his practical walkthrough of how to fight lies and spiritual warfare. Highly, highly recommend. For the third time in as many chapters, Jesus tells the disciples of his impending death and resurrection. To both parties Jesus asks, What do you want me to do for you? (Mark 10:36, 51), yet while James and John request glory, Bartimaeus requests mercy. 20:3). 1:19). To love him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the strength, and to love ones neighbor as oneself, is much more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices (Mark 12:33). 12:11; note also Rev. Mark 14 bristles with connections to the Passover event that is recorded in the book of Exodus. Jesus is indeed lord even of the Sabbath.. Indeed, self-conscious reflection on personal virtue can be positively detrimental. For Jews the Sabbath is Saturday, the seventh day of the week, a day of worship and rest (Gen. 2:23; Ex. In light of the flow of Marks Gospel, and what is ahead for Jesus, why might Mark want to alert the reader to these events? And take a moment also to look back through this unit of study, to reflect on a few key things that the Lord may be teaching youand to take note of these things to review again in the future. 16:17) but incomplete. In Mark 8:1121, the Pharisees again argue with Jesus, leading Jesus to expose his own disciples failure to fully comprehend Jesus identity and mission. Also striking is the reversal that takes place, as the smallest seed provides a tree with the greatest branches (note also Ezek. Along the way, we see a hope for a restored garden in which God will once more dwell in happy fellowship with his people (Isa. This parable picks up an image carried through the Old Testament of a huge tree in whose branches the birds of the air nest and find shade (Ezek. Mark wrote the Gospel of Mark, a short, action-packed account of the life and mission of Jesus. On 13 January 2013, Comer taught a sermon entitled, Yahweh Elohim from the text ofExodus 34:6. In 2 Timothy 4:11, Paul says, "Only Luke is with me. In the course of teaching on temptation, Jesus calls hell the unquenchable fire (Mark 9:43) and the place where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched (Mark 9:48). . Refusing to please men rather than God, John had spoken out against the marriage of Herod Antipas to Herodias, the wife of his brother, Herod Philip (Mark 6:18). . (Mark 13:9). How do these passages illuminate what is happening in Mark 11:111? The first act of rebellion the world had ever known had to do with putting something in the mouth and eating it (Gen. 3:6). using the warped and toxic teachings of the dubious duo of the EC, Doug Pagitt and his cohort Tony Jones. Jesus calling of his disciples is not related to any prior commitment or qualification on their part. 22:12). All rights reserved. When Jesus laments being forsaken by God, we see the reason that we are never forsaken by God (note Josh. In light of the Old Testament, what significance might there be in sending out twelve? And once more, God separated light from darkness, calling his people to be light in a dark world (Eph. Each of Jesus major predictions of his death and resurrection (Mark 8:31; 9:30 32; 10:3234) is followed by instruction in discipleship (Mark 8:3238; 9:3537; 10:3545). In answering, consider the nature of sin as described in Mark 7:2023. 13:14 15), John (John 12:39 40), and Paul (Acts 28:2527) to explain rejection of Gods gracious salvation as blindness. The first half of Mark shows us that God has come to us. 5:17 6:2). A prominent instance of the vision/blindness theme is Isaiah 6:9 10, picked up by Jesus (Matt. If a person consistently attributes to Satan what is accomplished by Gods power, such a person does not know God and will not receive forgiveness. To be sure, there are blessings and benefits to Christian faith. Comparing Marks statement that Jesus meant to pass by the disciples (Mark 6:48) with Exodus 33:19, 22; 34:6, and Job 9:8, 11, what do we learn here about Jesus identity? Jesus is the final and true Passover lamb (1 Cor. Then review the following questions and write your own notes on them concerning this phase of Jesus life and ministry. The people see Jesus entrance into Jerusalem as the fulfillment of these ancient promises. He was not the king they expected (a king of political triumph); he was the king they most desperately needed (a king of suffering). With these words a scribe shows that he is, in Jesus words, not far from the kingdom of God (Mark 12:34). If you borrowed it from someone else, now is a good time to see what truly belongs to you.. . Take a moment now to ask for the Lords blessing and help as you engage in this study of Mark. They practicedlectio divinaor sacred reading, the ancient practice of prayerful meditation on Scripture. In the Old Testament law, the uncleanness of leprosy was contagious. How does the first garden, in which mankind plunged through sin into ruin and death, culminate in a restored garden, in which Gods people enjoy restored fellowship with him? Jesus has gathered a following, including twelve disciples, who have been sent out and have returned. What is Jesus answer? . 11:13; cf. Organizer of NCF North Texas Presents: John Mark Comer. . Peter seemed to know that fellow believers would be gathered there for prayer. Our profound debt is our sin, in which we are held captive, helpless unless someone helps us from the outside. These Jewish leaders included elders, chief priests, and scribes. 32:7). The King James Bible calls him Marcus. Peter was so taken with Mark he considered him like a son. (For further background, see the ESV Study Bible, pages 18931894, available online at. Do you notice any irony in what they say to him in Mark 15:18? Yet she receives attention and help from Jesus without bringing any self-generated contribution on her part. But this truthservice leading to true greatness, the last winding up firstis embodied most clearly in Jesus himself. Jesus says in Mark 10:45 that he came to give his life as a ransom for many. The metaphor here is profound and gets at the heart of the whole Bible. 42:6; 49:6; 60:3). Where in Mark 13 do you see each of these three. 33:6; Ezek. In Mark 7:1423 Jesus turned upside down the long-held Jewish view of clean and unclean food. 54:5; Jer. KINGDOM OF GOD. It's not something I'd usually listen to or read, but overall it was a really interesting experience. Acts 15:37-40Barnabas wanted to take John, also called Mark, with them, but Paul did not think it wise to take him, because he had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in the work. For information regarding the URCNA, including the locations of URCNA churches near you, please use the 'Find A . The word eschatology means last things and refers to what Christians believe about the end times. As my wife and I began to practice Sabbath, it quickly became clear why Jesus said the Sabbath is for man, and not the other way around. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord. Yet Israel, too, failed. Instead, we observe: Scan through Mark 810 and notice, by way of contrast, every time Jesus predicts his suffering and death. How does Marks Gospel uniquely contribute to our understanding of Jesus? How so? 2:9; 1 John 2:89). 51:1723; Jer. First, in Mark 10:30 Jesus concludes his response to Peters self-alleged sacrifice by commenting on the gift of eternal life in the age to come. Jesus point in context is that, along with the blessings of this life, eternal life in the coming age far outweighs any sacrifice made along the way (cf. All are in need of saving. For more than 30 years in public service and as a small business owner, Mark has been a leader for working families. In the early 1970s, he moved to California and over the next 35 years, he owned and managed several successful Bay Area restaurants, including Henry Africas in San Francisco, Santa Fe Bar and Grill with Jeremiah Tower in Berkeley, and TRs in Concord. The scribes were respected and admired. (It was his podcast with Jeff Bethke about Fight Hustle, End Hurry that drew me to TREOH.) Peterbut Jesus addresses Peter as Satan. The same holds true when God calls men and women to be his disciples today (see 1 Cor. CLEAN AND UNCLEAN. Since Jesus is the exact representation of God, this ought not to surprise us, for this is what God himself is (Ex. Jesus is the Son of God (Mark 1:1), not only in that he is the one called by God to rule the earth as Gods representative, but also in that he is God. God first dwelt with his people in Eden. John Yates (MDiv, Princeton Theological Seminary; DMin, Fuller Theological Seminary) is former rector of The Falls Church Anglican in northern Virginia, and a Council member of The Gospel Coalition. Salvation, which is purely a work of Gods grace, can be received only through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom. Christians meet for worship on Sunday, the day of Christs resurrection (Acts 20:7), and regard Sunday, rather than Saturday, as their weekly day of rest. . We see this in the back-to-back accounts of Jesus warning about the scribes glamour (Mark 12:3840) and the widows offering (Mark 12:4144). He was re-creating. Throughout the New Testament these two are linked (e.g., Acts 20:21; Heb. At this point in Mark, the systematically trained disciples are sent out to spread the message of Gods kingdom, to heal, and to cast out demons. . Read Jeremiah 16:1517 and consider what it meant for Jesus to call these four men to be fishers of men (Mark 1:17). Jordan Raynor is a serial entrepreneur and national bestselling author of Called to Create, Master of One, and Redeeming Your Time. : Your Bible may have in brackets what is known as the Longer Ending of Mark (Mark 16:920). What matters is the heart. In Mark 15:115 Jesus is led before the whole council (Mark 15:1), meaning the Jewish Sanhedrin. Our salvation is a gift of grace from first to last. In Mark 8:279:50 Jesus begins to predict the suffering and death, followed by resurrection, that awaits him, explaining that such humiliation-followed-by-exaltation is the lot of all who follow him. . The Next Right Thing: A Simple, Soulful Practice fo What is the essence of Jesus critique? 10:17) or as here, the supreme ecclesiastical court in Jerusalem (Matt. 11:2; 42:1; 61:1). 34:28); Israel was tested for 40 years in the desert (Deut. 9:5; Col. 1:1520; Heb. John Mark Comer planted a church aged 23. Either a local Jewish tribunal (council, Matt. Jesus himself settles this debt with the payment to the Father of his own blood on the cross as our substitute. He is an avid runner and has completed twenty-three marathons. Read Genesis 48:15, Numbers 27:17, Psalm 23:14, and Isaiah 40:11, and notice what God promises in Jeremiah 23:24 and Ezekiel 34:1016. Also, the trickle of opposition against Jesus from the religious authorities begins to increase; it will turn into a flood of hostility in the second half of Mark. We can summarize them with three, s: imminence, interval, and ignorance. Second, regarding history, Jesus resurrection fulfills Gods promises to raise up and restore Israel (Hos. Note especially. Jesus had already spoken in Mark 8:3536 of losing ones life and forfeiting ones soul. 118:25 is the Hebrew expression that is transliterated into Greek as hosanna.). Despite the protests of some who are there, Jesus does not object to what this woman has done. What is their reaction? Jesus raised her from the dead. 13:7 in Mark 14:27), how does the whole passage in Zechariah shed light on broader events in Marks Gospel? . Mark 14:21 holds both together in a healthy tension: For the Son of Man goes as it is written of him [divine sovereignty], but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed [human responsibility]! While Jesus death was decreed long ago, this does not soften Judass sin in betraying him; while Judas betrayed Jesus, this does not mean such betrayal surprised God or was contrary to Gods wise providence. Jesus, however, heard the voice of accusation even though he did not deserve condemnation. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed that, if possible, the hour might pass from him (Mark 14:35). . The Old Testament recounts the consistent failure, however, of the twelve tribes to do thisindeed, the tribes were hardly able to get along with one another! And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired (Mark 3:13). Isaiah 6:9 10, picked up by Jesus ( Matt smallest seed provides a tree with the to... Sin, in other words, the horror of what is being depicted is not here Mark... Events in Marks Gospel uniquely contribute to our understanding of God be impoverished if we not... Began to see what truly belongs to you.. of what is known the. The Next Right Thing: a Christian Guide to Overcoming life 's Challenges, including the locations of churches... Being forsaken by God ( note that Save us, we pray in Ps what! 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