In The House of Hades, Annabeth got a vision in Tartarus saying the Roman must bring the Athena Parthenos, and realized that Reyna was destined to bring it to Camp. Annabeth runs for the ship and Piper pulls her onto the deck. Annabeth was happy about it and said it was great, and that she needed good news. When Kekrops arrived to lead them to Gaea, Piper and Annabeth both agreed that it was a trick. What if hes now attached to Roman ways? They decided to bet on who's story as weirder and went to Fadlan's Falafel. She reluctantly took him to Camp Half-Blood, and let him inside the camp so he could help Percy. Annabeth takes out her Video Shield and at first when she said 'Let me see Cacus', the shield shows her the city of Seacacus New Jersey. What exactly did Leo forget to do before he went into a flashback with Hazel? Annabeth has wanted a quest for a long time to prove herself to her mother and gain some . Magnus reassured her that he was okay and staying with "friends", and she asked for details, but Magnus said he didnt want to put her in danger. Despite answering all correctly, she notices that none of these questions are riddles, just random trivia, and demands a true challenge of her intelligence, though she knew that refusing to answer the riddles can result in her and her companions' losing their lives. The day after the Battle of New Rome, Percy, Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang discuss Ella and her prophecies. Once in the Mediterranean Sea, Percy has a dream of Ephialtes talking with a shadowy figure about how Gaea prefers using him and Annabeth as sacrifices. After wandering around, she managed to find the place where the Cyclops was keeping Thalia, Luke, and Grover, who were all hanging over a pot. Firstly, they require the help of Akhlys to get the Death Mist, so that they can easily pass through the hoards of monsters present at the Doors of Death without being noticed. Annabeth leads the quest into the Labyrinth, fulfilling one of her many ambitions at last. But Percy interrupts by flooding the dock and dragging the Romans into the sea, he tells Annabeth that she dropped her dagger. Athena made Annabeth the new architect of Olympus after the damage caused during the Battle of Manhattan. Annabeth also noticed that Reyna had a "hungry sort of gleam" in her eyes when she reunited with Jason. While Nico is still very jealous of Annabeth, and wants to hate her, he cannot bring himself to, since Annabeth's gratitude was genuine and sincere, and she never overlooked or avoided Nico like most people. After he left, Annabeth told Percy she was worried about him and scared he would talk to Minos again. She is confronted by Reyna, with her two metal greyhounds, when she tries to explain, Reyna cuts her off and tells her to come with her quietly, where she will be trialed and then painfully executed. If she hadn't taken the dagger for Percy, he would have died because his only weak spot, the small of his back, was Ethan's target. Percy hesitates, disappointed with his own lack of response from Poseidon whenever he attempts to communicate with him. But a raid of campers led by Clarisse snoop on this and throw them into the camp lake. Maybe if I'd gone with him. Her skin was freckled with bites and cobwebs covered her eyes, mouth, and nose. She explains that technically the ship will not be touching Roman soil, and suggests they use a rope ladder to get down to the Forum, promising Terminus that all their weapons will stay on the ship as long as the legion reinforcements will honor the same rules. In The House of Hades, though he cared about Percy and Annabeth, he stayed behind from rescuing them because he wanted to come back alive for Mellie and his future kid. Annabeth was frustrated and held out her arms so Percy could give her a hug. She explains how she is attending architecture classes at both New Rome University and University of California Berkeley. The next day, Annabeth's eyes looked red, showing she had cried after Rachel showed up. Reyna felt betrayed by Jason and felt bitter and alone. Annabeth backed against the wall, and said she needed personal space. In order to provide a distraction, she puts on her invisible Yankees cap and tells the cyclops she is "Nobody," angering him to no end as he smashes rocks and stops around, eventually capturing her. Annabeth took the last name of her father. However, Piper was determined to rescue her friend at Epirus. Sadie however, didn't know that and said she'd confront Carter later. 1 / 112. The book where they fall into to Tartarus is Mark of Athena but Annabeth's and Percy's journey through Tartarus is the House of Hades. Annabeth is shocked to discover that the Doors of Death look exactly like the Mount Olympus elevator doors, just upside down. Annabeth often wears a ponytail, an orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, and though she used to often wear her magical Yankees cap during a fight, since it turned her invisible, it has since lost its magic. Annabeth later pretended to tend to her Pegasus so she didn't have to say goodbye to Rachel. As a reward for rescuing them, Hermes teleported them to Paris, where they enjoy a dinner, a walk, and a boat ride. Fire damage against a single enemy, with Splash Damage. Annabeth thought that Frank was cute like an oversized cuddly panda bear and fought down a twinge of jealousy when she realized he was already close to Percy, and was suspicious when he and Hazel were hiding a prophecy concerning her from the camp. It is revealed that she had secretly harbored a crush on him since they were twelve years old, but only last summer had she properly fell for him. Annabeth got out of bed. Two weeks after that, Annabeth got an iris message from Eurytion and learned he had left his ranch and went back into the maze, making her so worried about him she was queasy. What is the Mediterranean known for to the Romans? They are doing this in order to infiltrate Odysseus' palace, where a "gathering of evil spirits" is taking place. The last sounds Annabeth heard before falling was Nico and Hazel screaming for help. Jason and Annabeth first meet in The Lost Hero, where Annabeth and Butch Walker save Leo, Piper, and Jason at the Grand Canyon, after she got a vision saying a boy with one shoe was the answer to finding Percy. When he left with Reyna and Nico, he reassured Percy and Annabeth that he would get back to camp safely and bring the Athena Parthenos back, and see his baby. Though not as scared of Cyclopes as she is of spiders, it still takes her most of The Sea of Monsters to be able to get close to Tyson, even though he was Percy's brother and helped her a lot throughout the book. Luke gave Annabeth a bronze knife, which he got from Halcyon Green, so she would be able to protect herself with something better than a hammer for monster slaying. Later, when Nico arrived back on the ship, Nico reassured Leo that Percy Annabeth were not dead, and if they were he would feel it. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. The floor begins to increasingly crack until Arachne falls through the giant cracks that lead to the pits of Tartarus. When Annabeth and Percy found Nico at Geryon's ranch, it is revealed that Nico, to some extent, blamed Annabeth for Bianca dying and had informed Geryon about her. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". As they go into the Labyrinth, they face and fight many monsters. She said that the service was hard on Randolph, who seemed shaken up, and confided that it was hard for her to hide what actually happened from her father, due to their rocky history and her efforts to try to be honest with him. The spider bites fade before she gets dressed and her step-mom thought that the cobwebs were a trick. To save Percy's mom. Just when she's about to be reunited with Percyafter six months of being apart, thanks to Herait looks like Camp Jupiter is preparing for war. Annabeth spent her whole life learning to read people as a survival skill. Annabeth says that she still has nightmares about the Cyclopes' voice and finds it very creepy when a Cyclops mimics another person's voice, such as when Tyson mimicked the voices he heard on the Princess Andromeda. Annabeth joked that Estelle Blofis drooled, just like Percy, when he told Magnus about Estelle. They run back to the Argo II and Annabeth and Percy pilot it to Fort Sumter. A train pulls in and Sadie casts a few spells on the monster. The Cyclops tried to lure Annabeth to him by imitating her father's voice, but instead of going to the voice and getting captured as well, she stabbed him hard in the foot, which startled him, and untied Thalia, who then took care of everything else. She would often carry out her actions in accordance to what she thinks Athena would do, stating "Athena always has a plan". At the end of the book, it is revealed that Percy and Jason are switched because they are both war leaders of each camp, much to Annabeth's dismay. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Annabeth was also amazed when she found out that Frank could shapeshift. He didn't find Annabeth attractive and ever since she had rescued him from the Grand Canyon, she changed his mind about blondes and now thought of them as much too smart and much too dangerous. When the battle is over Annabeth, Percy, Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, and Nico meet at the Big House to talk about Leo. What have you done with him?" Annabeth hugged Magnus and was very worried about him, and said she was glad to see a raven at her window. Annabeths biggest fear, though, is that Percy might have changed. Hazel, Frank, Leo, Percy, Jason, Piper, Annabeth. Percy swears he will not let Annabeth go again. He still felt like the whole incident was his fault and blamed himself for not realising the cavern floor was unstable and not getting everyone to safety before dealing with the statue. Her eyes look calculating, like she is analyzing whoever she is looking at during a first meeting, as if "thinking of the best way to take the person down in a fight". A seven-year-old Annabeth was hiding under a sheet of corrugated iron in Richmond Ironworks, the same alley twelve-year-old Thalia Grace and fourteen-year-old Luke Castellan were hiding in once they escaped the house of monsters. Will and Hades were both frustrated. Mr. Dionysus, the god of wine and camp director, and Chiron investigate into the case of a Cyclops somehow making its way through the Camp barriers who is revealed to be Tyson, Percy's half-brother. Nevertheless, despite his jealousy, Nico led the demigods into the House of Hades to save Annabeth and Percy. Percy takes Hermes into his truck to talk, where the god reveals that while he was delivering packages to Janus, Cacus snuck into his truck and stole his caduceus. Thalia instantly wanted to protect her and get her clothes and food from a safe house. They have a conference, and Percy tells them his dream about the twin giants, Otis and Ephialtes, and Nico di Angelo suffocation in a bronze jar. Alex mentions Annabeth when saying Magnus is away visiting her, presumably in New Rome. Also, when Percy talked to Lupa, she told him that if he completed his quest, he would see Annabeth again soon. She and Eurytion thought that he was talking to Minos again and knew he was in danger, afraid of what Minos wanted from him. While Annabeth is certainly shocked at such an unexpected revelation from Nico, she smiles at the son of Hades and high-fives him. Who are the seven demigods of the prophecy? As they spent more time together, they became friends by the end of the book, with Annabeth standing up for Piper when Drew called Piper dense, saying that she asked a fair question. Percy and Frank decide to find Phorcys, Percy also wants to take Annabeth, but Coach Hedge declares that she is grounded. Annabeth helps defeat Polyphemus and is surprised by Luke's arrival who demands the fleece from the group. Annabeth had confided in Piper about the horrible things that happened in Tartarus, like Percy suffocating the goddess Akhlys. Sadie says that they'll split up and that Annabeth could deal with the god that they couldn't remember the name of with her staff creating a forcefield around her. Nekhbet decides to stay with the four teenagers to get her crown back and help destroy Setne. Back on the Argo II, the crew all feel responsible for allowing Annabeth and Percy to fall into Tartarus. After Annaveth heard how Frank turned into a koi, she couldn't look at him the same again without thinking of him as a koi. Annabeth also trusted him to sniff out intruders. When Annabeth scowled, Reyna laughed, and said she is definitely a warrior and has fire in her eyes. During the events of the next few books, she begins to show feelings for Percy, but every time Percy brought up the fact that they have to stop Luke, she would always defend him. In The Titan's Curse, Tyson thought that Annabeth was the coolest thing since peanut butter and loved her. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! She wishes she could talk to her mother for help, but it was impossible after an encounter a month earlier with her, where Annabeth had received a horrible present. As she approaches Camp Jupiter on board the Argo II, she checks the ship to make sure that everything is set up, including the backup plans to the backup plans. Aphrodite directs them to a map close by that was left by her siblings in 1861, and that Annabeth will face her worst fear. Who brought Annabeth to the place where she started her quest? She admits that she wouldn't have let Tyson do it if she were Percy. However, she makes him promise not to tell the others as it would only worry them, as she has already figured out what is waiting for her at the Athena Parthenos. Reyna explains that she wanted to talk to Annabeth to learn the truth. The curse came from Calypso, who felt alone and abandoned after Percy left Ogygia to return to Camp Half-Blood. With that, they reach the Doors of Death, which Annabeth describes looks like a heart. Sadie tells her to keep it. He was overjoyed at Annabeth and Percy's return and whooped in happiness when they came back safely. She is seen collecting empty plates and goblets, but when Antinous questions Jason about his purpose among the suitors, Annabeth helps to stall by spilling wine down the ghoul's neck. Doing so would also be a huge insult to Athena, something Arachne would love to do. Annabeth and Percy teamed up to win the chariot race waged between the cabins of the camp. Annabeth always yearned to visit the, Children of Athena were born from her head, as Athena sprouted from Zeus' head, fully grown and fully armored. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. He said he only wanted five minutes to talk. Cutting to a new scene set present day, Annabeth is cheering on Percy Jackson in his competition against Clarisse La Rue. Octavian comes down the leader screaming that Leo has fired on everyone. While fighting Khione, Piper thought about what Annabeth would do. However, Nico ended up choosing to side with Percy and try to save him, and Annabeth charged at Kelli, who had captured Nico in the first place, and Nico, in return, chose to save everyone, including Annabeth, when he declared himself the Ghost King, finally trusting Annabeth. This included her oldest uncle, Randolph, and her aunt Natalie and her son Magnus Chase, who was, unbeknownst to Annabeth, a demigod son of Frey. She told him that all the old myths were true as long as their stories survived, and they fed off of human memory. In The Lost Hero, it is said that Percy and Annabeth are still dating, but he goes missing for three days and Annabeth becomes very worried. Three quick Physical attack against a single enemy. Then, a large explosion makes a crater in the forum of New Rome. She told him that Randolph hadn't told her anything except for that he was in danger because of his birthday, and he was taking him to the bridge. Percy and Annabeth then return the caduceus to Hermes, who is very grateful. When Percy does find a way to outsmart Chrysaor and forces him to retreat, Annabeth gives Percy a kiss and explains that he is brilliant. However, the two grew closer and learned to trust each other throughout the book, and discussed the Mark of Athena together (the source of Greek/Roman hatred), without hostility or blame, amazing Piper, thinking that there was maybe hope between the two camps. Before she went back to Manhattan, she promised to talk about it more afterward and warned him that she didn't have a cell phone due to monsters. This resulted in her running way from home at the age of seven and became a year-rounder at camp. Upon the realization, the rest of the group aboard the Argo II and Nico di Angelo come to the rescue and take Athena Parthenos. Annabeth also looked to Piper first to heal Percy, Jason, and Leo, when they were possessed by Eidolons. This angers Arachne, and she starts thrashing around, causing the floor to crack and fall into the entrance to Tartarus below them. Reyna asked if she was sure that Annabeth wasn't a Roman or an Amazon, and Annabeth, not sure if that was a compliment, said that she only attacked Percy like that and shook Reyna's hand, which Reyna accepted. Annabeth said she would follow the Mark of Athena to Rome and fix the grudge between the Camps. She said she wouldve came to Boston sooner, but she had enough to deal with already. The squad decides to regroup and decide to plan while heading south of the Governor's Island. Leo sets course for Charleston, while Percy and Frank tell the demigods what happened, with Hedge interjecting from time to time. Reyna then called Annabeth brave for refusing Circes hospitality, and that there was a reason why Percy liked her. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. After battling the hydra with little effect, Clarisse arrives and takes them with her on her ship, the C.S.S. Along the way, other than coming across Titans from the past, and having the help of Iapetus, Annabeth and Percy come across the arai, who after killed, will result in the killer getting cursed based on the number of monsters they have previously killed. Percy remembers Juno's warning and although he doesn't believe her about the trouble that it will cause, Percy is worried. Annabeth was very rude to Rachel and asked her if she always dressed in gold, and when Rachel said she played dumb, Annabeth asked "Was it hard?". What does Leo do against his will aboard the Argo II? After Annabeth outsmarted Arachne, Hazel began to admire her quick thinking, and was the first person to realize that Arachnes rope was pulling her into Tartarus, yelling for her crewmates to cut Annabeth free. They then form a new plan to get rid of Serapis because he emerges from the rubble. Aphrodite reveals that the civil war between the Greeks and Romans doesn't affect her as much as the other gods (who seems to have split personalities), as love is universal. They need the help of Nyx, so that they can pass through the Mansion of the Night, in order to get to the Doors of Death. Annabeth is forced to keep going and finds her next challenge; two small beams of wood over a chasm. Nico is also happy when he finds out that Annabeth and Percy are going to college in New Rome the next year. When the Argo II got to Athens, Leo, Frank, and Hazel talked strategy with Annabeth and planned a charge. Eventually, Octavian began insulting Annabeth, Reyna said that Annabeth was there in peace, then told her that Percy had spoken highly of her, which made Annabeth realize she tried to make a move on Percy. Annabeth is terrified. The growing relationship between Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase plays an important role in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. During the Battle of Manhattan, Silena cried when Annabeth was gravely injured and helped nurse her back to health before Percy and Will Solace arrived. She was shown to be very cold towards Percy and found him annoying at first, which only became worse after finding out his father was Poseidon, her mother's rival. However, Annabeth understood her when she said her parents wouldn't notice if she was gone. Annabeth tag teams with Percy, ordering him to distract the bull while she stabs it. When Piper repeats the line for the Romans to lay down their weapons, as the Greeks only wanted to talk, her Charmspeak almost causes Annabeth to lay down her knife, and have a chat. Annabeth thinks that her feelings for him seemed to have grown more "painfully intense". She almost cried when she realized it was only a matter of time before Jason died, since he was stabbed with Imperial Gold. Under the city, the three discover the place where Poseidon made the saltwater spring appear when he contested with Athena to sponsor the city, beginning their rivalry. Setne knows that Annabeth is using her invisibility cap and captures her, stating that he's been using invisibility magic for as long as the pyramids have been existing. Annabeth also assures him that he has a good team and that she senses this isn't his first quest (which she is right about). When Annabeth was seven years old, she and her father visited their family for Thanksgiving at the Chase Mansion in Boston. Annabeth was concerned about her and was curious as to how she got past the barriers. The next morning, Annabeth tried to convince him to join the group, saying that Bianca just wanted him to be okay, and put her hand on his shoulder, but he brushed her off and walked away. By that point, however, Nico has come to realize that Percy is not his type, and that he is genuinely happy for Percy and Annabeth. Evidence of how her hubris can be a hindrance is seen during her confrontation with the Sphinx, where Annabeth was forced to answer several random questions from her. Magnus told Annabeth about Loki's escape and how he will be sailing to the farthest borders of Niflheim and Jotunheim to defeat him, and that since she'd been on a long boat ride, she could give him some pointers. While Annabeth is given a full makeover, Percy is turned into a guinea pig. However, Annabeth herself has no feelings for him beyond kinship, since he is too young, too moody, and has a certain darkness in him that makes Annabeth uneasy. After the defeat of Kronos and saving of Luke's soul, Annabeth confides to Luke as he dies that she always saw him as a brother, but never loved him. Magnus apologized, saying he didn't want to rope Annabeth into his problems, but she said she understands more than he thinks. However, through the challenges and difficulties they faced, their relationship has become stronger. Light Physical attack that boosts Teamwork. The film opens with a flashback following young Annabeth, Grover, Luke, and their friend Thalia Grace running towards Camp Half-Blood while being pursued by monsters. Jason connected the dots and it is finally revealed that Nico was actually jealous of Annabeth, not in love with her, due to her relationship with Percy (his actual love interest), which is why Nico initially didn't want to be around her. Term. Annabeth interrogates Leo, but is called down to check on Jason, when she returns Leo tells them that they need emergency supplies to repair the ship and they land near the Great Salt Lake, in Utah. Later, after Annabeth defeated Arachne, Jason was amazed at what she did, all with a broken ankle. Annabeth was scared when she met, but Thalia comforted her and introduced herself. Before running off into battle, Percy gives Annabeth a kiss in case they die. Annabeth appears in a chariot pulled by pegasi with Butch Walker, a demigod son of Iris, the carrier of messages through rainbow "Iris-messages" for the gods and the Rainbow Goddess, to pick up the three demigods Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite, and Leo Valdez, the son of Hephaestus. Ella the harpy recites the prophecy in front of the Senate at Camp Jupiter, when Percy Jackson and his friends are trying to ward off attention of Ella's ability from people such as Octavian. Piper became suspicious when Jason and Annabeth were hanging out and was worried that they were attracted to each other. Nico asked Percy if Annabeth was his girlfriend, frustrating him. Annabeth usually showed concern for him. Nevertheless, she reluctantly let her help her and Percy go through the Labyrinth. As she manages to keep going, she finds that the tunnel she came from is filling with spiders. Percy reluctantly agrees to it, but only because it's the only way to defeat Setne. He looked scared, Percy. Eventually, the trio ran into Grover Underwood, a satyr, who was in charge of taking demigods like them to Camp Half-Blood. Annabeth heads to the Underworld with Percy and Grover, then to Mount Olympus where she sees Luke's betrayal for herself. Reyna was dumbfounded when she got the note, but when her dogs proved the legend was true, she decided to believe Annabeth, and told Marcus to get Scipio from the stables: she was going to meet the Argo II and bring the statue to Camp, for Annabeth and the peace of the camps, showing how much she trusted her. The camp lake going and finds her next challenge ; two small beams of wood over a.. Although he does n't believe her about the horrible things that happened in,. Him that all the old myths were true as long as their survived... Mouth, and said she would follow the Mark of Athena to Rome and fix the grudge between the.... She wouldve came to Boston sooner, but she had cried after Rachel showed up Performance '' charge. Two small beams of wood over a chasm classes at both New Rome University and of! Because he emerges from the rubble Romans into the sea, he tells Annabeth she... 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