Due to the size of the
Look for word matches in books, stories & newspapers, etc. Copyright 1999 - 2023 German Genealogy Group. (Aids in reading the microfilmed records are the LDS German Genealogy Word List, which may be downloaded at no charge from familysearch.org/ResearchHelps/Wiki/ and type in German Word List, then print. //]]> Birth x xxx 1814 Central Bohemia, Czech Republic No publicly available family members 107723 People 3 Records 4 Sources Contact Tree Owner Wilhelmina Francesca Caroline Prinzessin von Auersperg found in Wilhelmina Francesca Caroline Prinzessin von Auersperg from tree JOCHIM und MATTES Stammbaum 19719 People 2 Records 4 Sources Catholic parish records were mandated by the pope in 1563. If you find a surname in the list that is of interest to you, send a query to: Non-GGG members please note: We are sorry, but we are NOT able to do any research on anyone's ancestors. genealogy. These microfilm records are available through a local Family History Library of the Mormon church. Gottschee received its municipal charter and city seal in 1471. We at GHGA have a very modest
Early records were usually written in paragraph form. All hands helped with the work. The German Genealogy Group (GGG) Surname List is a compilation of the surnames submitted by members of the GGG. Family registers are more common in southern Germany, especially in Wrttemberg and Baden after 1808. Lutheran churches in general began requiring records around 1540. First names would help as the year of birth, marriage and death. If more than one possible candidate is found, search confirmation, marriage, and burial records to determine the correct individual. FamilySearch Catalog, Die Maus, Index to Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Bremen Church Books, index, ($). The information available on these records diminishes the further back in time that you
NYC Municipal Archives Holdings Quick Chart by Joseph McMahon. Item #463, by Max Mische. include other information about the bride and groom, such as: the names of previous spouses and perhaps their death dates. Castle Garden (http://www.castlegarden.org) processed eight million immigrants between the years 1855-1892. (FS Library book 943 D27bs; film 1,573,115 item 2; fiche 6,001,630.). This page was last edited on 29 December 2022, at 14:19. Catholic Diocese in Germany by Tom Risinger. The following details may be found: The indexed records are based on older microfilms of the holdings in the administrative archives in Erfurt. By 1650 most Reformed parishes began keeping records. It is
house number. Many a morning, the
Find resources in our German Research Center. place in her parish. The Index can be sorted by surnames, village of origin in Gottschee, and their address in the U.S. Villages are linked to a Catholic church parish and a township (Gemeinde). In this way the parents of the
Baptisms, marriages, burials, and sometimes confirmations for each year are. With the marriage dates, it is easy to check the birth
Depending on the parish, the records cover the late 1600s up until 1941. For the provinces of East Prussia (Ostpreussen), Posen, Pomerania (Pommern), Silesia (Schlesien), parts of Brandenburg, and West Prussia (Westpreussen), areas which no longer belong to Germany, the online gazetteer, Class: Kartenmeister.com Finding Places in the Former German Area of Poland, Berlin Evangelical Central Archive Inventory Online - The, The records for the eastern provinces of Prussia that went to Poland are in the, GERMANY - CHURCH RECORDS - INVENTORIES, REGISTERS, CATALOGS, GERMANY, [STATE] - CHURCH RECORDS - INVENTORIES, REGISTERS, CATALOGS, Each day of the year had several patron saints and was a feast day to honor those saints. This collection is an index to the names found in the ecclesiatical records. Geni requires JavaScript! The surnames are matched with villages. Suffolk County, NY Civil War Draft Records. Almost every village had at least one
Agnitsch | Altenreither | Ambrosch | Anderkohl | Andolshek | Anschlowar | Ante | Arch | Arko | Asmann | Asoli |Auersperg | Aupitsch | Autschin, Bablas | Bach | Bachmaier | Bambitsch, Bambic | Banitsch | Barbitsch | Bartelme | Barthol | Bauer | Bautscher | Bohin | Belai | Belan | Beljon | Bencina, Bencin | Binder | Berec | Bizal | Blasch | Blatnik | Bobjatsch | Bobner, Wobner | Boiz | Boltesar | Bradatsch | Braune | Breser, Bresser | Brinskelle, Wrinskelle | Brischke | Brodgesell | Brustmann | Buchte | Bukowitz | Burger | Butscher, Capelari | Cebin | Cekoll, Zhekoll | Cetinski | Cian | Cimperc | Cuk, Darowitsch | Deboschek | Dejak | Detzl | Deutschmann | Diez, Dietz | Dobelak|Dolar | Dornig | Drobnitsch | Drfeld | Dulzer | Duzzi, Ecker | Eisenzopf | Engele | Eppich | Erjavec | Erker | Erler | Erschen, Fabian | Falkner | Fartely | Fellacher | Fifolt | Fink | Fitz | Flack | Formanek | Fornbacher | Frank | Freiburger | Fritz | Fritzel | Fuchs | Fugina | Frer, Ganslmaier | Gasparitsch | Gerbetz, Gerbitz | Gerbitsch | Gerdaschitsch | Gerger | Glad | Gladitsch | Glatz | Gliebe | Gode | Gderer | Gole | Gstel, Gestel | Grabner | Grais | Gramer | Gregoritsch | Greisch | Grill | Grtschmann | Gruber | Grnseich | Gusitsch | Gutschek, Haas | Haberle | Hace | Handler | Hauff | Hegenbart | Herbst | Hiris | Hirsch | Hocevar | Hfferle | Hoffmann | Hoge | Hgler, Hegler | Hnigmann | Horvat | Hribar, Hriber | Huber | Hudolin | Hutter, Jaklitsch | Jakomini | Jakopin | Jaksche | Janesch | Jaworek | Jelenc | Jellen | Jencic | Jerman | Jesche | Jeschelnig | Jonke | Juran | Juray | Jurkowitsch | Jurmann, Kadunz | Kaifesch | Kalitsch | Kaltschich | Kaltz | Kamme | Kapsch | Kapun | Karoschetz | Karsche | Kastinger | Katsch | Kautsky | Keische, Kesche | Kemperle | Kerbisch | Kersche | Kikel, Kickel | Kinast | Kinkopf | Klamnik | Klaric | Klemen | Klementitsch, Klementschitsch | Klemm | Klenhart | Klun | Knapfel | Knaus | Knspler | Kobe | Kobetitsch | Kabola | Kofler | Kohar | Kokoschinek | Kolac | Kolar | Kollmann | Kommuzi | Knig | Konte | Kordisch| Koritnik | Koren | Korschitz | Kosar | Koschak | Koschel | Koscher |Koschier | Ksel | Kosler | Kosmerl | Kosneck | Kstner | Kotar | Kotnik | Kotze | Kowatsch | Kowatschitsch | Kraic | Kraker | Kral, Krall | Kramaritsch | Kramer | Kraschowitz | Krasowitz | Kratschwil | Krauland | Kraus | Kreiner | Kren | Kresse | Kreuz | Kreuzmaier | Krisch | Krische | Krivetz | Krobath | Kromar | Kropf | Kropfitsch | Krpfl | Kukitz | Kull | Kump | Kurre | Kuruzar | Kusold | Kusole | Kuznik, Lackner | Ladicha | Lampeter | Lauritsch | Ledenig | Leinert | Leschitsch | Lesjak | Lesser | Leustig | Levsteg | Lipowitz | Lobe | Lobisser | Locker | Loger | Lokac | Lorber | Lorenz | Loretitsch | Loschin | Loschke | Loser | Loske | Loy | Lube | Luhn |Lukan | Lunder | Luscher | Lustig, Macher | Maichin | Maierle | Majestic | Majetitsch | Makarutti | Maksche | Mallner | Mallneritsch | Mams | Mandelz | Mantel | Marek | Marintsch | Marinzel | Marn | Martin | Maruschitsch | Mataja | Mateka | Matzelle | Maurin | Maurowitsch | Mausser | Mawetz | Meditz | Meisel | Melz | Merwer | Metlikowitsch | Michaljewitsch | Michelitsch | Michitsch | Miede | Mihalic | Miklitsch | Mikolitsch | Mille | Mische | Modic, Moditz | Mohar | Montel | More | Morscher | Morwein | Moschner | Muchitsch | Muchowitsch | Mule | Murn | Muschler, Nadler | Naglitsch | Nezitsch | Nick | Niese | Nossan | Notsch | Nowak, Novak, Obaidin | Ofak | Orazem | Osanitsch | Ostermann | Oswald, Pachinger | Palese | Paltschitsch | Pangretitsch | Panter | Papesch | Paar | Parthe | Paulin | Paulitsch | Pausche | Pavlitschek | Payer | Peinitsch | Peitler | Pelegrini | Pelitsch | Pelz | Perko | Perleschnik | Permoser | Persche | Perz | Peschl | Pestl | Petaln | Petronowitsch | Petschauer | Petsche | Petschiak | Pettin | Pezdirz, Presdirz | Pfeffrer | Pfeifer | Pibernik | Pickert | Pinter | Piritsch | Piskur | Pirnat | Pirstel | Pirstitz | Pirzel | Pitzel | Plesch | Plesche | Pleschinger | Plut | Pojlajen | Podlogar | Pogelschek | Pogorelz | Poje | Polde | Politto | Poreber, Pureber | *Porotsch | Porte | Porupski | Posnik | Pospischil | Pototschar | Pousche | Preiditsch | Prenner, Brenner | Primosch | Princic | Pust | Putre, Puttre, Rabitsch | Rabuse | Rack | Rade | Radischinski | Radovic | Radske | Raker | Ramor | Rankel | Ranzinger | Rapinz | Raschke | Ratschki | Rauch | Recher | Reimann | Reischl | Reiter | Ribitsch | Riegler | Roditsch | Rogale | Rom | Roschitsch| Rossi |Rossmann | Rotenhauser | Roth | Rthel | Rovan | Rupartschitsch | Ruppe | Russ, Sajowitz | Salaba | Saletl | Samida | Satter | Sbaschnig | Schadinger | Schaffer | Schager | Schauer | Scheger | Schemitsch | Schemitz | Scherzer | Scheschareg | Scheschark | Schifrer | Schimitsch | Schinko | Schiwatz | Schlaff, Schlaf | Schlaun | Schleimer | Schlenz | Schlinderer | Schlindra | Schmalz | Schmidt | Schmuck | Schuscha | Schneider | Schniderschitz | Schober | Schrei | Schuschmerl | Schuschtar | Schuss | Schuster | Schusteritsch | Schusterschitz | Schutte | Schwasnik | Schweiger |Sdrawitsch | Sebal | Sedar, Seder | Sedler | Seitz | Seljak | Sieder, Sider| Sigmund, Siegmund | Simoninc | Simorada | Skedl | Skender | Skerbin |Skiber | Skock | Skof | Skoupil | Skube | Skubitz | Skufza | Slantz | Sliber| Smergut | Smole | Sobetz | Sorger | Sowitsch | Spiletitsch | Spiski |Spitznagel | Sporer | Spreitzer | Springer | Stalzer | Stampfel | Stangel | Stanic | Staudacher | Stefandl | Steinacher | Sterbenz | Sterle | Sternole | Stieblei | Stiene | Stimitz, Stimetz | Stimpfel | *Stimpfl | Stonitsch | Straub | Strgule | Stritzel | Struna | Sturm | Suchadobnik | Sumperer | Suppan | Suppanz | Suppantischitsch | Srge | Swaschnig | Swetitsch, Tanke | Tomele | Terasch | Testin | Thaler | Thellian | Tischan | Tittmann | Tolg | Tomaschek | Tomitsch | Tomitz | Torbar | Tramposch | Trocha | Trocher| Troja | Troje | Trost | Truger | Tschampa | Tschepitsch | Tscheppin |Tscherne | Tschernkowitsch Tschetschelski | Tschinkel | Tschopp | Tuma | Turk | Turanski | Turski | Tuschek, Uhan | Ule | Ulzar | Uran | Urbantschitsch | Urbicher | Urbisch | Urek, Valentischitsch | Vavken | Venchiarutti | Vendig | Verderber | Vivodinar | Vogel | Voglin | Vogrin | Vrtatschitsch, Waletitsch | Wallisch | Weber | Weiss | Welz | *Wetz | Wenetitsch | Wessel | Widmer | Widerwohl | Windischmann | Wittine | Wittreich | Woldin | Wolf | Wondrak | Wrinskelle | Wuchse | Wuchte, Zabukowetz | Zadnik | Zagar, Zager | Zalta | Zanski | Zele | Zhekoll,Zekoll| Zherne, Zerne | *Ziegelfest | Zima | Zimmermann | Zimpritsch | Zose | Zurl Zwar | Zwickle, // It follows that for locations the language of the official record should be used. 1996, 41 pages Birth records generally give the child's name, sex, date and place of birth, and the names of the parents. Information about parents, birth dates, and birthplaces may be inaccurate, depending on the informant's knowledge. Last Name) is a required entry field. Expect to encounter restrictions on access to records at FamilySearch. You might obtain information by writing to the parish. After 1918, the people in this territory became citizens of Yugoslavia. Please report any WEBSITE PROBLEMS to the GGG WEBMASTER. their homeland. An example is the 764-microfilm Brenner collection described on page 38. Some family registers indicate whether the family moved to another village or emigrated to another country. Website Proudly Made in the USA. FamilySearch Historical Records I spent ten years looking for Gottschee, mostly because I did not know how to go
For two or three weeks before the marriage, marriage banns (announcements of the intention to marry) were read and/or posted in church. seasons of fasting, they fasted. made a note where the bride came from. GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH IN THE COUNTY OF GOTTSCHEE. Use the The Catholic Directory to find the diocese for your parish. Maps of Germany by Tom Risinger. Records for some parishes in the Pfalz and Rheinland were interrupted for several years when the French controlled those areas of Germany from 1792 to 1815 and introduced civil registration. Use duplicates, where available, to supplement parish registers that are missing or illegible. By starting with the marriage of two known ancestors, you
Requesting Birth and Death Certificate copies can be done by mail. Most have been digitized and, depending on contracts with archives or indexing entities, can be available online. The LDS Latin Genealogy Word List, may be downloaded at no charge from familysearch.org/ResearchHelps/Wiki/ and type in Latin Word List, then print. of household, his wife and their children along with dates of births, marriages, etc. For example, the Lbeck Stadtarchiv has an alphabetical card index of all names in church records of several parishes at their archive. The table is sortable. In addition, church records can contain financial account books, (they record charges for toll bells, fees for masses for the dead, and so on), lists of confirmation, penance register, communion lists, lists of members and the family register. Children were usually baptized a few days after birth. The LDS microfilms of the Catholic church records not only include baptisms, burials
Here is a list of genealogy records from the Gottschee Region that I have copied to CD/ DVD. The guidebook contains the microfilm numbers for the Catholic church parish records of marriage, baptisms, death, and family records (census of each village); the names of the villages within each parish, plus the name of the original parish and date when a parish split into two parishes. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. PDFs to View or Download: Protestant & Catholic Church Archives in Germany by Richard Haberstroh, AG, CG. GGG members should log-in to the Members Area to see the contact information. Expect to encounter restrictions on access to records at FamilySearch. An
Their plots
Some parishes even have separate rolls of film for the left side
unfortunate thing about these family books is that the information was collected
To learn more about Gottschee and its history, visit their website at www.gottschee.org. r.s. Additional parishes are underway and will be published by GHGA
Immigrant passenger records of Castle Garden (1855-1890) and Ellis Island (1892-1954) for Gottscheers who emigrated from Gottschee in the 1800s and early 1900s. Suffolk County, NY Civil War Draft Records, All members of the German Genealogy Group are invited to submit a form listing of the surnames they are researching to. the children of a couple, determine the mothers age and go forward until she is 45. Gottschee. A paper copy of Germany's official records of approximately 12,000 ethnic Germans from the new Italian "provinces Lubiana" most of whom were Gottscheers, who were resettled from their homeland in 1941. You can estimate the ages of the parents and determine a birth year to search for their birth records. They list the church records, their location, and the years they cover. In some of the parishes, these records begin in the late 1600s, although most begin in the 1700s, and all end in 1941. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1989. Vollstndiges Ortschaften-Verzeichniss der im Reichsrathe vertretenen Knigreiche und Lnder nach den Ergebnissen der Volkszhlung vom 31. One of
Gottscheer information could be extremely confusing because
A note stating that this person had been. Some confirmation registers merely list: Other confirmation registers give additional information about those being confirmed, including: Some parishes kept family registers that give information about each family group in the parish. An average life span was between 55 and 65 years. The cross alone does NOT imply that the individual died as a young child, but can be an indication the person died in the parish. Next, search for the parents' marriage date and place. U.S. and state census records are an excellent source for the many Gottscheers who emigrated from Gottschee in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Each jurisdiction had its own record-keeping rules, and each recorder had his own style. Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. Only GGG Members can submit a "Data Correction" for their own surnames. Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy. Do not sell or share my personal information, Event Type (Birth, Baptism, Marriage, Death, Burial). mothers maiden names. Do not try to equate the cause of death in 1830 with what that word
Auf Grundlage der Volkszhlung vom 31. The parish marriage books and floppy disks, published by GHGA, have tremendously sped
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